Agrovscovid 19: an innovative mutual fund from asnacodi italia

Covid19 has hit and affects agriculture in a serious way, undermining the continuity of the
business when the key figures of the company are involved: owners, employees,
collaborators and closest family members.
"From the in-depth analysis of the context - announces the Chairman of Asnacodi Italia
Albano Agabiti - and also thanks to the new technological solutions, which allow the Fund to
be managed through a full digital platform, Asnacodi is launching a new, innovative and
unique mutual fund: AgrovsCovid-19, tailored for our farms to improve their sustainability ”.
Through the Fund, aimed at farms associated with the agriculture defense consortiums part
of Asnacodi system, those who join can ensure, on the one hand the protection of income in
the event of unavailability of key resources for the company, on the other the possibility of
verifying operational availability an experienced substitute who can guarantee the continuity
of the agricultural enterprise. Thanks to the versatility of the digital platform, in fact, a
specific function called Temporary Farmer will soon be available for the management of a
database of specialized resources, fed by the members themselves who want to offer their
solidarity collaboration towards the most unfortunate colleagues, but also by outsiders who
want to apply for temporary jobs to replace unavailable resources.
"This is another solution made available to the agricultural entrepreneurs that allows them
to protect the company for its human resources. The compensation to agricultural
companies that have subscribed to the mutual protection and that see their key men
affected by the virus is formed by the contributions to the Fund from the adhering
companies themselves ”, adds the General Manager of Asnacodi Andrea Berti.
Organizing the collection of fruit or vegetables, managing purchases and supplies, training
teams, organizing plowing, milking, spraying are just some of the most common operations
that require immediate action. With AgrovsCovid-19, through risk-sharing based on the
principles of mutuality and solidarity, solutions for urgent works will be facilitated.
Albano Agabiti, the Chairman of ASNACODI, stresses that “obviously the technology
deployed is a key asset that allowed a fast set up and development of the Fund. An intuitive
platform that manages data flows from the associated farms and will, in addition, allow the
associates to share availability of workforce, in full mutualistic style, a concept that has
always been dear to farmers”. “This is extremely important for us agricultural entrepreneurs,
it allows us to plan, develop and grow” - concludes the Chairman of Asnacodi Italia.
"With such tool - specifies Andrea Berti, General Manager – ASNACODI makes available to
the agricultural sector a protection solution for the farms, empowering the agricultural
entrepreneurs themselves in providing for protecting themselves against the Covid-19 risk".
"A form of risk sharing - explains the General Manager - which prevailed a long time ago, far
before the current mutual coverages, which then developed through insurance companies,
and which, thanks to new technologies and, in particular, the ability to manage data, now
prevails as most appropriate for agricultural businesses ”.
"The study of the data allows us to calibrate the contributions to the mutual coverage in
almost real time with respect to the risk trend described by models", Agabiti points out.
“All necessary information and details for applying to the Fund are available from each
Defense Consortium, our partners for the establishment and development of the Fund ".